In my dreams, i see a face
An image of love, a soul so pure
A friend so benign, with whom the life is divine
In that dream, life is so complete
No hurry, no worry ,just love in the air
And life at its the best flavor...
Again was left wondering about certain
things happening around..
Government has passed FDI in retail. There
was one day BANDH i.e., close all over India. Is it the solution to our problems?
We all know it very well that no FDI is going to help poor farmers. The solution is
only when we ourselves try developing good storage facilities and
infrastructure at grass root levels. Only then farmers will get maximum profit
out of their produce, the way AMUL and white revolution have done it for milk
producers. We need an indigenous solution not FDI. And its onus is also on us
(IRMANs) I think.
It is a good business opportunity as
well as a national issue that needs an Indian intervention not something
आज ये सोचते हैं ,
कि कल कुछ और पायेंगे ..
मंजिल तो सोची है एक
न जाने कहाँ जायेंगे …
दिल मे मेरे भी कुछ ख्वाब हैं ,
रूह को कुछ लफ़ज़ों की तलाश है …
कभी चाहती हूँ हवा के साथ बह जाऊं ...
पर कभी लगता है यह तो सब करते हैं ...
इस मे क्या खास है ...
दिल चाहता है खुश हो जहाँ सब ,
ऐसा कुछ कर जाऊं
ज़िन्दगी को जाने से पहले
एक मुस्कुराता हुआ सलाम दे जाऊं ...
Last 3 months had been quite eventful. Every day and night,
we were busy with one thing or another. But in last one week certain things
made me move. After the demise of Dr. Verghese Kurien, everybody was sad two
days of PRA and now back home. It makes me think what we are doing to our
lives. Are we taking the onus of the bringing in a positive change in surroundings?
If we are thinking for it how we will be taking small steps for these herculean
tasks. Life is too small and dreams are too big. It is time to decide if we
want our life worth celebrating when we will look back on this small journey or
want to end up with same questions and confusions with which we are starting
Thoughts are many and as random as one can think of. Will we
be able to make something good out of these thoughts or will we always be
fooled by randomness?