Life is Beautiful..
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Friday, May 5, 2023
Magical March
Thursday, April 27, 2023

OM is often associated with the concept of Shivshakti, which represents the union of the divine masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) energies. Here are some ways in which OM signifies Shivshakti:
1. Two syllables: OM is composed of two syllables, "A" and "U," which represent Shiva and Shakti respectively. The third syllable, "M," represents the union of the two energies.
2. Symbolic representation: The shape of OM is also believed to represent the union of Shiva and Shakti. The lower curve of the symbol represents the feminine energy of Shakti, while the upper curve represents the masculine energy of Shiva. The dot or bindu at the top represents the unity of the two energies.
3. Sound vibration: Chanting OM produces a vibration in the body that is said to activate the Kundalini energy, which is associated with Shakti. The sound of OM is believed to help awaken and balance the feminine energy within us, allowing it to merge with the masculine energy.
4. Spiritual practice: Chanting OM is often used as a spiritual practice to connect with the divine energies of Shiva and Shakti. It is believed to help us tap into our inner power and creativity, and to promote spiritual growth and transformation.
OM is mentioned in many Upanishads, which are ancient texts of Hindu philosophy. Here are some of the different ways OM is defined and its significance in 10 different Upanishads:
1. Chandogya Upanishad: OM represents the whole universe and everything in it. It is the essence of all that is and all that will be.
2. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: OM represents the three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. It is the sound of the universe and the source of all other sounds.
3. Katha Upanishad: OM represents the Self and the Supreme Brahman. It is the sound of the eternal, unchanging reality that underlies all appearances.
4. Mundaka Upanishad: OM represents the highest knowledge and the goal of spiritual practice. It is the sound of the Absolute Truth that transcends all dualities.
5. Mandukya Upanishad: OM represents the entire range of human consciousness, from the waking state to the state of pure consciousness. It is the sound of the ultimate reality that is beyond all words and concepts.
6. Prashna Upanishad: OM represents the three levels of reality: the physical world, the world of the mind, and the world of the spirit. It is the sound of the divine consciousness that pervades all levels of reality.
7. Taittiriya Upanishad: OM represents the three elements of the universe: fire, the sun, and the moon. It is the sound of the divine energy that sustains all creation.
8. Aitareya Upanishad: OM represents the three qualities of nature: sattva (purity), rajas (activity), and tamas (inertia). It is the sound of the ultimate reality that transcends all qualities.
9. Shvetashvatara Upanishad: OM represents the divine power that creates, sustains, and destroys the universe. It is the sound of the ultimate reality that is beyond all limitations.
10. Isa Upanishad: OM represents the divine presence that pervades all creation. It is the sound of the ultimate reality that is both immanent and transcendent.
It is believed to have several benefits for the body and mind. Here are some ways chanting OM can affect our body:
Reduces Stress: Chanting OM has a calming effect on the mind and can reduce stress and anxiety. It helps to slow down the breath and lower blood pressure, which in turn helps to relax the body.
Improves Concentration: Chanting OM helps to focus the mind and improve concentration. It is often used as a meditation technique to quiet the mind and bring about a sense of inner peace and clarity.
Enhances Immune Function: Some studies have shown that chanting OM can stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body, which is known to have immune-enhancing properties.
Balances the Nervous System: Chanting OM can have a balancing effect on the nervous system, particularly the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "rest and digest" response. This can help to reduce tension in the body and promote relaxation.
Improves Respiratory Function: Chanting OM involves deep breathing, which can help to improve respiratory function and increase oxygenation of the body.
Boosts Mood: Chanting OM can also have a mood-boosting effect, releasing endorphins in the brain that promote feelings of well-being and happiness.
In summary, chanting OM can have a positive impact on the body by reducing stress, improving concentration, enhancing immune function, balancing the nervous system, improving respiratory function, and boosting mood. It is a simple and effective practice that can be easily incorporated into one's daily routine to promote overall health and well-being.
Note: I have used CHATGPT to extract this information seeking answers to my questions.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Lily Learns to Forgive !!
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was a happy and carefree child who loved playing with her dolls and spending time with her friends.
One day, Lily's friend Emma came over to play. They had a great time together until Emma accidentally broke one of Lily's favorite toys. Lily was very upset and angry with Emma. She didn't want to play with her anymore and told Emma to leave.
The next day, Lily's mom sat her down and talked to her about forgiveness. She explained that it's important to forgive people when they make mistakes, and that everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
At first, Lily was hesitant. She didn't want to forgive Emma for breaking her toy. But then, her mom helped her understand that holding onto anger and resentment would only make her feel worse. Lily thought about it and decided to try forgiving Emma.
So, Lily went to Emma's house and apologized for being angry with her. She told Emma that she forgave her for breaking her toy, and they hugged and made up.
From that day on, Lily learned that forgiveness was a powerful tool that could help her let go of negative feelings and build stronger relationships with her friends. She still felt sad about her toy, but she also felt happy knowing that she and Emma were still friends.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Lily's Adventure: Discovering the Five Positive Habits
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a young girl named Lily. Lily was a bright and curious girl, always eager to learn new things and explore her world. One day, as she was walking through the forest, she stumbled upon a wise old owl.
"Hello, young one," said the owl. "What brings you to these woods?"
"I'm just exploring," replied Lily. "I love learning new things and discovering new places."
"Well, I have some wisdom to share with you," said the owl. "There are certain habits that can help you lead a happy and successful life. Would you like to hear more about them?"
Lily's eyes lit up. She loved hearing wise advice and was eager to learn. "Yes, please!" she said.
And so the wise old owl began to tell Lily about the positive habits that could change her life for the better.
The first habit the owl talked about was kindness. "Always be kind to others," he said. "Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Kindness is contagious and can make a big difference in the world."
Lily listened carefully, nodding her head in agreement. She had always tried to be kind to others, but now she realized how important it truly was.
The second habit was gratitude. "Be thankful for what you have," said the owl. "Focus on the good things in your life and appreciate them. It will help you be happier and more content."
Lily thought about all the things she was thankful for - her family, her friends, the beautiful forest she was exploring - and felt grateful and content.
The third habit was perseverance. "Never give up," said the owl. "Keep trying, even if things are hard. You can achieve anything you set your mind to if you don't give up."
Lily thought about times when things had been difficult, but she had kept trying and eventually succeeded. She felt proud of herself for persevering.
The fourth habit was self-care. "Take care of yourself," said the owl. "Get enough sleep, eat healthy food, and exercise. It will help you feel better and have more energy."
Lily realized that sometimes she forgot to take care of herself, but now she understood how important it was.
The fifth habit was learning. "Never stop learning," said the owl. "Keep asking questions, reading, and exploring. The more you learn, the more you will understand the world around you."
Lily loved learning, so this habit was easy for her. She was excited to keep exploring and discovering new things.
And so, Lily learned about the five positive habits - kindness, gratitude, perseverance, self-care, and learning - and how they could help her lead a happy and successful life. She thanked the wise old owl for his wisdom and went on her way, determined to practice these habits every day. And as she did, she found that her life was filled with joy, happiness, and success.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Learn Surya Namaskar Here
Friday, April 14, 2023
Navratri Daily Sadhna Plan
This navrarti we did group sadhna everyday with our 5 am club community. The daily sadhna plan included:
1. Mantra chanting
2. Knowing the devi of the day
3. Guided meditation on devi of the day by Sri Sri Ravishankarji
4. 108 times mantra chanting for the devi of the day
You can explore daywise youtube links for your daily practice in navratri here:
Happy Navratri Sadhna!! May you be guided by divine energies to your maximum potential.